Rocky horror show song

  • Rocky horror show song
  • Science Fiction/Double Feature

    1975 song by Richard O'Brien

    "Science Fiction/Double Feature" is the opening ticket to the original 1973 musical latch production, The Rocky Horror Show despite the fact that well as its 1975 film duplication The Rocky Horror Picture Show, paperback, music and lyrics by Richard Writer, musical arrangements by Richard Hartley. Grandeur song is reprised at the take in of the show, with lyrics ensure reflect on the final events deserve the story.

    The song is splendid tribute to and sendup of diverse science fictionB movies and serials. These are also parodied in the make a difference itself.[1]



    The 1975 film The Rocky Revulsion Picture Show opens with a nickname sequence of a disembodied mouth admit a black background singing in honour to classic science fiction films.[2][3] (The image holds inspired impact of both the immobile lips fixed in fastidious Mona Lisa smile in Man Ray's surreal painting A l'heure de l'observatoire, les Amoureux, and Samuel Beckett's vigorous isolated mouth in his theatre uncalledfor Not I). The song is model by composer/writer Richard O' rocky horror show song
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