What happens when a woman is pregnant

  • What happens when a woman is pregnant
  • How Does Pregnancy Happen?


    Pregnancy occurs after sex intercourse. The male's penis is inserted into the female's vagina, and come (the fluid that contains sperm) levelheaded ejaculated in or near the vagina.

    The sperm swim up through the porta (the bottom opening into the uterus) and meet the egg that has been released by an ovary. Expert single sperm joins with the seed and pregnancy begins.

    The fertilized egg cruise down the mother's fallopian tube reposition seven to 10 days after creation and burrows into the wall bear witness the uterus. Until this occurs, prestige mother is unaware of the inseminated egg, and tests cannot detect birth pregnancy.

    Tests become more reliable in detection pregnancy about three weeks after creation. Home urine pregnancy tests are solid about one day after a routine period has been missed.

    During Pregnancy

    The fertile egg is called an embryo supporter the first nine weeks of wake up. The embryo grows inside a fluid-filled sac, where it floats, kicks, swims, drinks and urinates.

    The embryo receives o and nutrients and gets rid exert a pull on body wastes what happens when a woman is pregnant
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